
What is flat foot shifting
What is flat foot shifting

what is flat foot shifting

We mentioned GM above, and that’s because they included a much-celebrated NLS technology on a number of their production vehicles from the 2014 to the 2019 model years. People have demonstrated how using this technique can shave whole seconds off the 0-60 times of some cars, even regular street cars. It’s not a new technique, and in fact goes all the way back to the beginning of the muscle car era where drag racers would employ this kind of technique to give them an edge over their rivals. Companies like GM have created no lift shift (NLS) technology that’s built into their cars to actually help drivers do this. Instead of the usual method of releasing the gas pedal before using the clutch, this method relies on a wide-open throttle and enough engine power remaining when shifting to allow the process to happen. The name “flat foot” will become clear as we get into how it works. It’s also known as flat foot shifting and power shifting. In short, no lift shifting is an advanced driving technique that allows you to upshift the gears on a manual car without lifting your foot off the gas pedal. In today’s blog, we’re looking at what the no lift shift (flat foot shifting) idea is all about, what it means, how it works, what kind of people and cars do it and why, and whether or not it’s really a good idea for one’s vehicle. It’s often people who are interested in car tuning who are the most interested in this idea, which explains why it’s not the most widely understood phrase or idea. Have you heard other drivers talking about the idea of “no lift shift” before, or they may have called it “flat foot shifting.” If you have, you might have wondered at first what they were talking about.

What is flat foot shifting